
Sharing our Carmel(Pop)corn

Carmel and her daughter have a new home.  Popcorn also has a new home.

Met mom who had a daughter who REALLY wanted a guinea pig for Christmas.   And whaddyaknow...we have 2 to spare!!  So she came by last night and picked them up.

Met a mom who has 1 rabbit who's looking for a 'friend' for her lonely bunny.  We have a rabbit that only serves to create "work" for Ian and Haley.  Poor Popcorn doesn't get out of her cage much...and when she does she's not that 'cuddly.'  She's not that cuddly because she's not taken out of her cage much....

So these new homes will be perfect.  And now, with all animals safely in their homes...we are OUT of the accidental rabbit/guinea pig breeding business!!


Delfy. Samadhi. Ralf. Beatrice.

8/18/2011.  With us from Spring 2007 until she died today (at about 7-8 years old), Delfy was our protector!!  Our family's best friend. A true definition of a great family dog. She always did everything to protect us. She is the greatest dog we ever owned. We will miss you. Thanks for giving everything for our family.

Delfy doing what she did best. Watching over the kids and making sure they were safe.
 Delfy taking care of Haley. :-)
4th of July with Delfy in LA. She was so well trained. Didn't have to worry about anything. She looked out for us like God had sent us an angel to protect us from harm and give us unconditional love.

Delfy doing what she loved to the most, protect Ian. From the day we got Delfy she had a very special bond with Ian. She would never let Ian be more than 5 or 10 yards from her. If Ian was doing something that "Delfy did not like", Delfy was quick to grab, yes grab, Ian and drag him to "safety". LOL. Not sure Ian liked it, but he was always safe.

Other past doggies:  
RALF was my first dog as an adult!  Labodor retriever kept me company on lonely nights studying.  He became demented and decided to 'see the world' by running away before he died.

Samadhi was our Lhasa Apso who joined our family in 2006 and decided he wanted to become more aggressive.  And with babies in the home, we had to find a home with older children (or no children). 

Beatrice was our Beagle.  Our mother's dog needed a "buddy" so we traded Ralf for Beatrice.