
Chocolate Beignet

I'm not sure if we've properly introduced our newest family addition - Beignet Taylor Schlitz. Our beautiful, silly, wobbly Bichon Frise'. We got him about 2 months ago (at 4 months old), and has had the darnedest time house breaking two puppies and an older (prissy, too-diva-to-poop-outside-when-it's-cold) Bichon, Peris.

So, they stay outside most of the days now, until...whenever.

A picture = thousand words.

Beny loves to play in the mud!!

Update:  Shortly after Beny joined our family he was sold to a set of grandparents who *really* wanted a playmate for their grandson that frequently visits them but cannot have a pet at home.  So on 7/2/12 Beny joined his new family.  

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