
The kits get schooled

Show and tell at school today! The Kits get to experience kindergarten hands!!


$$ Buy Buy Bunny

Day 42. 2/21/12.

The feed store bought all FOUR of the kits that we were looking to give away/sell. It was nice to actually get a check doing something that you would have done for free! They are going to sell each kit for $45!! AND they don't sell rabbits to everyone. So we feel good that the kits will find good homes.

Since we frequently visit this feed store...we will keep you updated.

Ready to go...all boxed up.

Here we are at the feed store

Their new (temporary) home

Bunny display

As we were leaving the store managers say: "If you want to breed again in another month or two, we'll take those too!!!

I think our little guy has a new 'business.'


Forty Days and Forty Nights

It has been forty (one) days! 2.21.12

The kits continue to thrive, and seem to no longer need Mama's milk.
They've been moved out to the garage, and seem to be happier in some ways. Maybe it's just that they SEEM happier because when we do SEE them...they are so happy to see us!!

The time is drawing near...the young kits are almost ready to leave the nest.



Flour Feature

Flour then and now: from the smallest, tiniest, near-death kit TO the largest, funniest, most social young bunny.

35 days old

16 days old

6 days old


group shot

2/16/12. Day 37

The Bunnies Now

Popcorn, Cola, Flour

A Bunny Pyramid

Group shot (left to right): Flour, Kit 4, Popcorn, Tisty (Kit 6), Thumper (Kit 3), The Fat One, and Cola


Are you a girl, or are you a boy?

We realize we're still sorta guessing here (being rabbit 'breeding' novices and all) but we THINK Flour is MALE:

The little 'slit' doesn't go all the way to the 'base' of the ?penis.

And here is The Fat One (who we caught 'humping' another kit, which motivated us to evaluate his genitalia. And it looks MALE, right?

Contrast to what we think is female

And Popcorn is FEMALE:

See how the 'line' goes all the way down, sorta like a 'hood'?


It's Valentines Day

Love is in the air. Roses and chocolates, giving and receiving.
Today the kits are 35 days old.

The final decision has been made regarding the kits we intend to keep: Cola, Popcorn and Flour. These three are gentle, calm, cooperative, happy little bunnies who enjoy human hands, the energy of children, and tend not to spazz out and scratch in aggression.

Beautiful red roses signify LOVE on Valentines day.

Don't EAT the rose, Cola.

Flour enjoys the aroma of the rose

Popcorn isn't a big fan of roses, but cooperates (reluctantly) for a photo

These are the FOUR that will be leaving us for new adventures:
Kit 4, Kit 6, The Fat One, and Kit 3

The local feed store really wants the kits ASAP. The only requirement is, they have to be able to thrive without Mama's milk. As recommended by the 'rabbit specialist' there: we're going to get another cage, and put two of the kits we are planning to give away sell in there...and monitor their progress. This way, if they fail to thrive, Mama still has plenty of milk and we can transfer them back into the big Condo.

More great news is: They agreed to buy rabbits from US all the time! So Ian is going to start his 'rabbit breeding' business, and has a willing first client.

(Note: We are comfortable with selling them to the feed store because they sell them for >$45 each, and $45 is an expensive piece of meat if all one wants to do it butcher for food. These are *pets*, and PETS are worth $45.)

We have two more names:

The first two we'll sell to the feed/pet store are:

Kit 3

This little one LOVES to thump around. S/he will try to 'thump' you if you tickle his belly.

And Kit 6

Tisty (short for Twisty)
This little one twists and turns until you (come super close) to dropping her. She doesn't appreciate being held, and really prefers to be left alone with her bunny siblings.

They will be the first to go.


A Condo with a yard

2.12.12 - Day 33

The Condo is getting a bit small for 8 rabbits, so we frequently open the gate, connect an 'indoor kennel' of sorts to the opening, and allow the bunnies to stretch their legs.

Hopping out

"C'mon Flour. It's nice out here."

More space is nice.


Kits in a basket

Just some random cuteness!

When we clean the cage, its the perfect time for the kits to get some human interaction...and exercise. Today, they hang out in a clothes basket (so we can better keep an eye on them).

*Boing, boing*
But they won't stay in the basket.



We caught Coffee nursing...and this time, she didn't run when she saw the camera.

We weren't even sure that the kits were still drinking milk because every time we see them, they're munching on hay, pellets, or gobbling down water. (We actually had to get another dish and another water container just to keep up)


Laissez les bons temps rouler

Let the good times roll.

It's February 6th (Day 27)

Join us as we prepare for Carnival Season.
Note: Fat Tuesday is February 21st this year.

Peris is ready too!



Day 26 (2.5.12)

The kits have invaded the second story of the condo. So much for Coffee having a refuge. I wonder if it's time to get Coffee her own cage and allow her contact with the kits intermittently.


Then I think 'what would this little little guy do without his Mama right now?' I often catch Coffee licking and cleaning her kits...and they just LOVE it. For now, I think I'll just keep them all together.

We clean the cage everyday now. Every other day is at least a 'just empty the poop thing and change the towel' kinda clean, and the other days are "better" cleanings. Every other cleaning is a deep cleaning. And everyone is happy.

The kits continue munching on Timothy hay and pellets. They LOVE to drink the 'big rabbit' water. And when they are out and loose in the house, they sprint all around, dodging hands trying to make a break for the sofa, or under the furniture (but they are still too slow to really get far).

Fun times.


Nursing kits

Day 24 (2.3.11)

*scratch scratch scratch*

is all you hear as the kits flip over and tuck away underneath their Mama for some milk. The session only lasts a few minutes (and you're left wondering if everyone found a free teat to drink from). Any little scare, or sound, or intrusion will cause the session to abruptly end. So we tried to sneak in and take these pix (which, admittingly aren't the best) to capture the moment.


I love Coffee

I love my Mama.
We eat together.
We cuddle.
She licks me clean.
She feeds me milk.
She protects me.
She is there for me.
I love my Mama.

The Fat One with Mama.


♫ You've got....Personality♫ ♪

Day 22 (2.1.12)

♫ ♪ Cause you've got, personality! ♪ ♫

The kits today:

The Fat One - has beautiful straight fur, straight whiskers, and is very fuzzy. S/he is active, but prefers to be left alone.

This is Flour (formally The Smallest One) - she (we think she's a 'she') is very calm and easy-going. She LOVES being held, and falls asleep with light rubs to her hears and neck. She was born so small, that we are so happy to see her doing well. She is now the fattest one. The kit that died had the exact same coloring as her - but she's the one that made it.

This is Kit 3. Kit 3 is active, and LOVES being with his/her Mama. She jumps up onto the second story of the condo and lounges with Coffee regularly. Notice his/her curly whiskers, and cotton-like fur.

Kit 4 is also very active and quite a bit like the Fat One. Prefers to be left alone. Is very inquisitive, and can hop quite quickly. Kit 4 has combo-like fur that a blend of straight and cottony.

This is Popcorn - formally known as Kit Five. Popcorn is alert but calm. Loves rubs and human hands, but will protest if not handled gently. Hobbies include eating Timothy hay, drinking water, and SLEEPING!

This is Kit Six. Kit Six finishes off the quartet which includes the Fat One, Kit 3, and Kit 4. Not quite as active, but prefers the company of bunnies to humans.

And this is Cola. Formally known as Kit Seven, we think this beauty is a girl. She has such a bright personality, hopping all around, and quite demanding. She LOVES being out of the cage, loves interacting with human hands, and will willingly let you take her out of her cage...but promptly 'demands' to be put on the floor so she can explore, and explore, and run away from you. She is not skittish...but playful and determined. We enjoy little Miss Cola.