
♫ You've got....Personality♫ ♪

Day 22 (2.1.12)

♫ ♪ Cause you've got, personality! ♪ ♫

The kits today:

The Fat One - has beautiful straight fur, straight whiskers, and is very fuzzy. S/he is active, but prefers to be left alone.

This is Flour (formally The Smallest One) - she (we think she's a 'she') is very calm and easy-going. She LOVES being held, and falls asleep with light rubs to her hears and neck. She was born so small, that we are so happy to see her doing well. She is now the fattest one. The kit that died had the exact same coloring as her - but she's the one that made it.

This is Kit 3. Kit 3 is active, and LOVES being with his/her Mama. She jumps up onto the second story of the condo and lounges with Coffee regularly. Notice his/her curly whiskers, and cotton-like fur.

Kit 4 is also very active and quite a bit like the Fat One. Prefers to be left alone. Is very inquisitive, and can hop quite quickly. Kit 4 has combo-like fur that a blend of straight and cottony.

This is Popcorn - formally known as Kit Five. Popcorn is alert but calm. Loves rubs and human hands, but will protest if not handled gently. Hobbies include eating Timothy hay, drinking water, and SLEEPING!

This is Kit Six. Kit Six finishes off the quartet which includes the Fat One, Kit 3, and Kit 4. Not quite as active, but prefers the company of bunnies to humans.

And this is Cola. Formally known as Kit Seven, we think this beauty is a girl. She has such a bright personality, hopping all around, and quite demanding. She LOVES being out of the cage, loves interacting with human hands, and will willingly let you take her out of her cage...but promptly 'demands' to be put on the floor so she can explore, and explore, and run away from you. She is not skittish...but playful and determined. We enjoy little Miss Cola.

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