

Day 26 (2.5.12)

The kits have invaded the second story of the condo. So much for Coffee having a refuge. I wonder if it's time to get Coffee her own cage and allow her contact with the kits intermittently.


Then I think 'what would this little little guy do without his Mama right now?' I often catch Coffee licking and cleaning her kits...and they just LOVE it. For now, I think I'll just keep them all together.

We clean the cage everyday now. Every other day is at least a 'just empty the poop thing and change the towel' kinda clean, and the other days are "better" cleanings. Every other cleaning is a deep cleaning. And everyone is happy.

The kits continue munching on Timothy hay and pellets. They LOVE to drink the 'big rabbit' water. And when they are out and loose in the house, they sprint all around, dodging hands trying to make a break for the sofa, or under the furniture (but they are still too slow to really get far).

Fun times.

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