
It's Valentines Day

Love is in the air. Roses and chocolates, giving and receiving.
Today the kits are 35 days old.

The final decision has been made regarding the kits we intend to keep: Cola, Popcorn and Flour. These three are gentle, calm, cooperative, happy little bunnies who enjoy human hands, the energy of children, and tend not to spazz out and scratch in aggression.

Beautiful red roses signify LOVE on Valentines day.

Don't EAT the rose, Cola.

Flour enjoys the aroma of the rose

Popcorn isn't a big fan of roses, but cooperates (reluctantly) for a photo

These are the FOUR that will be leaving us for new adventures:
Kit 4, Kit 6, The Fat One, and Kit 3

The local feed store really wants the kits ASAP. The only requirement is, they have to be able to thrive without Mama's milk. As recommended by the 'rabbit specialist' there: we're going to get another cage, and put two of the kits we are planning to give away sell in there...and monitor their progress. This way, if they fail to thrive, Mama still has plenty of milk and we can transfer them back into the big Condo.

More great news is: They agreed to buy rabbits from US all the time! So Ian is going to start his 'rabbit breeding' business, and has a willing first client.

(Note: We are comfortable with selling them to the feed store because they sell them for >$45 each, and $45 is an expensive piece of meat if all one wants to do it butcher for food. These are *pets*, and PETS are worth $45.)

We have two more names:

The first two we'll sell to the feed/pet store are:

Kit 3

This little one LOVES to thump around. S/he will try to 'thump' you if you tickle his belly.

And Kit 6

Tisty (short for Twisty)
This little one twists and turns until you (come super close) to dropping her. She doesn't appreciate being held, and really prefers to be left alone with her bunny siblings.

They will be the first to go.

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