

Hey guys! Check this out!! Paparazzi got us up on a blog.

What tha...?

Our entire LIVES out in the wide open for any and everybody to see. The horror. We've got to delete this...this INTRUSION of PRIVACY.

Lets figure out how to delete this spy blog.

I think this is it guys, I think it has something to do with stepping on this key.

(notice: Flour didn't move despite all the ruckus)

"yeah, I'm not really bothered by the blog. I think I'll just sit here and relax" - Flour

At the very least, I think we should take over creative control, content, and transition this thing into our own voices.


Num Num Num Num Num

Day 19 (1.29.12)

The kits are quite industrious. They are able to do things (and get places) that seem...impossible (especially considering their lack of opposable thumbs).

How did he get up here into the food dish?

"num, num, num, num, num, num...."

Maybe it's time to put a food dish with some pellets down lower?

We also took out the large towels because the kits love to 'play' with (and bury themselves under) the towels. That seems like a dangerous game for a small kit.


A show with Popcorn and Cola

The kits are tons of fun. They continue exploring their surroundings, and seem to enjoy being out of their cage. We try to handle them at least a couple of times a day for a few minutes so they get used to human hands.

They continue to grow. They drink a bit of water from the dispenser. They try and nibble on scraps of hay and pellets on the ground. And they are now *hopping* around (vs. the 4-legged puppy-walk scoot thing they were doing just a couple of days ago).

And we have two more names:

In this corner, weighing in at a few ounces, with the black and white blotches. Formerly known as Kit 5....

....we have

POPCORN (named by Haley)

And in the other corner, weighing in a few ounces lighter with, inky black fur. Formerly known as Kit Seven, we have...

COLA (named by Ian)

*Ding. Ding.*


Free Coffee 'N' Peris


The sound of free Coffee as she roams the house.

We open the front gate to the Condo, and Coffee jumps out...and proceeds to chill in various spots in the house - the kitchen near the table, the wash-room next to the dryer, at my feet by the chair. Who knew she liked people so much? (Especially considering that whole biting episode awhile back).

She seems relaxed (and probably happy to have a break from the kits). The amazing thing is: she'll climb back in to the cage after about 30 minutes.


While roaming and relaxing, she and Peris (our Bichon Frise) were able to acquaint. Surprisingly, Coffee found the puppy interesting, and chased her a bit. And the puppy, unsure of how to behave, decided it was best to simply run from the bunny.


Introducing Caramel and Coconut (and Flour)

Bunnies and Guinea Pigs = BFFs, right?
Starring Flour, Caramel, Coconut, and Kit Seven

Day 16 (1.26.12)

♫ ♪ Make new friends, but keep the old...one is silver and the others gold. ♪ ♫

2 bunnies and a guinea pig hang out on the rug.

The bunnies continue growing. Their fur is quite dense. The Smallest (now the largest) Kit is impressively large...and very laid back. Nothing seems to fluster this one.

And we've chosen a name for him/her: Introducing - da, da, daa, daaaa...

FLOUR (named by Hana)

Day 6 and day 16 = lots of growth.

We introduced Flour and Kit Seven to our two guinea pigs: Caramel and Coconut. Initially the guinea pigs were like "WTH? What is this??" After about 5 minutes, the sniffing began.

'maybe if I just pretend I'm a statue, the little black puff ball won't even notice me' - Coconut

We didn't want the kits to smell too much like random animals...so the visit was short. But we wanted to introduce the Kits to the other household animals so everyone can get along.


G'nite Flour


Coffee is a necessity

(Two weeks old)

Teaching moment of the week:

"Mommy? What happens to the babies if the mommy dies?"

Well, the kits would die because they can only get the bulk of their nutrition from Mommy's milk. And if they are unable to eat, they won't make it. Soon enough they will be able to eat pellets, and drink water. But at 2 weeks old, they still rely on their mother. Without her, the litter will perish.

"So, the Mommy is important." - the 9 year old.

Ah, YEAH. The Mommy is very much a BIG DEAL.

Appreciate The Mommy.


2 Weeks. Dos Semanas.

Day 14

As the bunnies become more mobile, I decide to remove the nest. It was taking up quite a bit of space in the Condo, and really, it was just serving to isolate the kits who happened to get out.

So I added the 2nd story to the Condo for Coffee. The kits, try as they might, cannot climb the incline to get to the 2nd floor. So Coffee is safe from the kits up there.

I also removed the heat pad. The kits have a nice layer of fur. And the house isn't that cold. So, they should be okay.

We continue cleaning the cage every other day. And every other cleaning is with a dilute bleach solution.

I've spied the kits eating mom's poop...and trying to eat some hay. I read somewhere that mom's poop may offer "good bacteria" to their developing gut...so I let them be.

Regarding the hay...what can I do? I mean, in the wild, the entire nest could be made of sticks and hay. I assume the kits know when to eat what. At least I hope so.


Out with the nest

Days 12 and 13 (1.22.12 - 1.23.12)

It's a fabulous life.
Growing more fur. Getting big.

Out of the nest again?

I walk in to check on the bunnies, and I see Kit 5 out of the nest (again). I watch for a second as Coffee tries to hop away from her (annoying) kit, wishing s/he would go away. Just as I'm about to open the top to pluck the kit out of the main cage and replace him/her into the nest...she climbs back IN TO the nest all by herself.

They can do that?

So, I put the towels back over the cage.

- Drop the mic...and exit the stage -

I decide to remove the nest box (which is obviously useless). I figure, since the kits can see and hear now, they are less likely to miss a meal. When Mama is ready to feed, with their new mobility and developing senses, they will have the ability to navigate to her, and indulge in a milk feast when available.

I also added the second story back on to the condo to offer Coffee a reprieve from hungry kits.

This is The Smallest Kit (who's now the largest kit). Then and now.

Day 6 (smallest kit) fast forward to Day 11 (largest kit)

We take them out the cage for 10 minutes or so, and they have a fantastic time exploring their new surroundings!



Day 11. 1/21/12

All Kits have opened their eyes.

Since yesterday was cleaning day...we'll clean tomorrow.

They have more fur, and most are quite plump. There is the one that's a bit smaller...but I guess there'll always be a "smallest."

We've preliminarily chosen which kits to keep:

The Smallest (who's now not the smallest)

Kit Seven (the all black kit)

Kit Five (calm, kit who was small, but is now top 3 in size)

But, our minds remain open.


And then there was light

1/20/12. Day 10.

Kit 5 and Kit 7 have opened their eyes! Super exciting.

The Kits have learned to climb the side of the nest, and fall over the side – landing in the main cage area with Coffee. The problem with this is…they can’t get back IN to the nest. And they miss meals. I actually saw Coffee go into the nest to nurse, and Kit 5 was not in the nest and missed the meal.

So we spent much of the day plucking wayward kits from various corners of the cage and replacing them into the nest. I considered just removing the nest, but then (with their eyes closed and all) how will they possibly be available (and in the correct location) to nurse or stay warm?

So I decided to make a new nest. A deeper nest. And line it with just 2 towels. I placed it on a heat pad. And covered the two towels with one large towel that was extended thru the cage spokes so there were no “lost corners” or cracks/ditches available to fall in to. Then I took the wood shavings out of the main area and put another large towel down (because the plastic bottom needs some covering for traction, warmth, and absorption). I put the food dish on the outside of the cage, and we purchased proper dish for Coffee’s Timothy hay.

I think the set up was quite good. The kits seemed happy climbing up the towel to the ledge, and then resting there. They didn’t climb out the nest after the change (just up to the ledge). And all was well.


…at 1am I thought to myself: “what if the kits are climbing up the side of the cage to avoid being cooked by the heat pad? What if it’s too hot on the heat pad? OMG!”

So I get up from bed…and go check the kits for burns. No burns…kits all well.

I turn down the heat pad a level or two…then head back to bed.

Then I think to myself: “What if it’s too cold in the house…now that I’ve turned down the heat pad level?”



Awesome Cuteness

Day 9 (1/19/12)

Nothing new to report...except the continuation of awesome cuteness!
Eyes are not open yet.
These two kits were quite wiggly.

Featured Today = Kits 3 and 4

Kit 3 is dressed and ready

Kit 4 plays angry birds.


Day of rest with milk and Coffee

Day 8 (1/18/12)

After yesterday's thorough cleaning, today was a more kick-back day. Each kit was handled (so they get used to human hands) and they all appear to be fed and happy. (Yay!). The "Fat One" doesn't stand out as much today as being much 'fatter' than the next fattest one. And The Smallest One isn't the smallest anymore. That title now goes to Kit Seven.

Today's Featured Kits = Kit FIVE and Kit SIX

Kit Five

Kit Six

Lovin' the rest in warm hands.
These two are quite squirmy and prefer to cuddle together over posing in hard cold toys for their feature photos.