
Introducing Caramel and Coconut (and Flour)

Bunnies and Guinea Pigs = BFFs, right?
Starring Flour, Caramel, Coconut, and Kit Seven

Day 16 (1.26.12)

♫ ♪ Make new friends, but keep the old...one is silver and the others gold. ♪ ♫

2 bunnies and a guinea pig hang out on the rug.

The bunnies continue growing. Their fur is quite dense. The Smallest (now the largest) Kit is impressively large...and very laid back. Nothing seems to fluster this one.

And we've chosen a name for him/her: Introducing - da, da, daa, daaaa...

FLOUR (named by Hana)

Day 6 and day 16 = lots of growth.

We introduced Flour and Kit Seven to our two guinea pigs: Caramel and Coconut. Initially the guinea pigs were like "WTH? What is this??" After about 5 minutes, the sniffing began.

'maybe if I just pretend I'm a statue, the little black puff ball won't even notice me' - Coconut

We didn't want the kits to smell too much like random animals...so the visit was short. But we wanted to introduce the Kits to the other household animals so everyone can get along.


G'nite Flour

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