
Winter Oatmeal

Months pass. School’s back in session. The holiday season comes and goes. There is less interaction between the kids and the rabbits (and the rabbits with each other). And the assumption is made that: either Coffee could not bear bunnies; hated the males so much that conception could never happen; or the males were unable to impregnate the female. And this assumption proved to be true for months, until….

…one day in the middle of winter.

We discovered that Pepper had ear mites (!). Yuck.. His ear was all crusty with *oatmeal chunks* of nastiness coating his inner ear. The only clue (prior to the full-blown case) was a small white patch, a rash if you will, to the upper, outer ear.

“Mommy, come look at Pepper’s ear! It’s full of dirt or something…and it’s all crunchy and it’s sorta flopping over!”

What now?!

I consult Dr. Google for immediate consultation. Ear mites! Yep, looks just like the Google image. After online verification with a couple of my vet friends, we tromp down to the feed store for some ivermectin. I dilute it 1:10 (which is a lesson for a different day), and apply 2-3 drops into each of Pepper’s ears. All the while (this is a family affair…a lesson in…um...’treating a medical illness’) having the little 6 year old guy administer the medication as recommended.

In the meantime, Coffee and Cinnamon have to come out of their cages so hubby can (essentially) sterilize their homes. “Here you guys, watch Coffee and Cinnamon in this laundry basket while we clean the cages (and tend to Pepper). Don’t let them jump out of the basket!”

“Mommy, I think Cinnamon figured out that his penis doesn’t go in Coffee’s face. Mommy?! I’m uncomfortable watching the rabbits have sex….I think we should give them privacy. Don’t you think privacy is good for sex?!”

(Too preoccupied with cleaning, and ear-drops, to register exactly what the 8 year old is saying)

“Uh, huh…sure. Hey, just make sure they don’t jump out of that basket! We’ll never catch them if they get loose in the garage. So no privacy! Watch those rabbits and make sure they don’t get loose, ya hear?”

So watch the rabbits (having sex), they did!

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