
Seven jumping beans

Day 4 (1/14/12)

I think the heat pad is a hit! The kits are curled up on the side of the nest with the heat pad. When the side of the box is tapped, the kits immediately come to life – bouncing and popping like jumping beans. The kits look fed with plump bellies (all of them, but some more than others), and their fur fuzz is more apparent.

“Mommy, why did Coffee have so many kits, and why don’t humans have litters like that?”

Because, rabbits are prey animals. They are at the bottom of the food chain, right above grass and leaves. And when a species has a low survivability rate, more offspring are common.

“So, is that why there are millions of sperm and only one egg? Because the sperm are weak and die a lot?”

Smart girl. Exactly right. She’s getting this better than even I expected.

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